Welcome to Our Blog!

Welcome to Our Blog!

Aloha and welcome to our blog! Kels and I discussed with each other in length what message we really wanted to send in our first posts. Our hope is to spread a message of love, but also to dig deeper into what that means.

We will be sharing aspects of our personal lives, and we hope that what we say will not only be our story, but have an impact. Instead of simply hearing what we have to say, we desire to inspire others to act to bring about positive change. (Even if it’s learning from our mistakes.) Our purpose here is to produce action. Hop over to our ‘about’ page to learn a little more about our vision with this blog. We have a lot to say, so we simply ask that you take what resonates with you, excuse what doesn’t, and hopefully let it inspire you in some way.

Our messages will mostly focus around the title, The Love Between Us. It is meant to be ambiguous, and we want to share how the love that two people create in the space between them, spills into all of our relationships, and how it spills into all aspects of our life.

Sometimes we write together, sometimes we don’t. We hope to put some kind of random thought here every two weeks or so, so make sure you subscribe if you want to read all of our thoughts.

We have been through a lot together in the past few years. Our experiences have shaped our views, opinions, beliefs, and lifestyle. We apologize in advance if we offend 🙂 I wouldn’t call the way we choose to live and love very commonplace. And probably not for reasons you might be thinking right now. You will just have to find out, as we share those special pieces of ourselves with all of you.

Mahalo for taking this journey with us.